
Safety Tips for Your Christmas Candlelight Service

Christmas candlelight services continue to be one of the most popular services of the year for many churches. The service helps participants calm their hearts and remember that Christ is the Light of the World. As the candles are lit, participants reflect on how Christ came to earth to bring hope to mankind. Creating a safe environment is essential to helping people reflect and focus during the service, so we compiled a list of safety tips to help you plan a worshipful service.

  • Lighting: Be mindful that your visitors may not know how to properly light the candles. Instruct your participants to only tilt unlit candles in the lighting process, keeping lit candles erect to avoid spilling wax and burning hands.
  • Children
    • Make sure children have adult supervision.
    • Consider asking adults to hold young children’s hands while candles are lit.
    • For children 6 and younger we recommend using Safeflame candles.
    • For children 7+ we recommend plastic drip protectors (disc, holder, or shield).
  • Seniors
    • Be aware of health conditions that may affect participation & safety, such as:
      • dizziness
      • low-light blindness
      • oxygen-dependence
    • Some elderly participants may feel more comfortable with a Safeflame candle.
    • We also recommend plastic drip protectors to reduce the risk of burns.
  • Fire Safety
    • Indoor
      • Have fire extinguishers ready, and ensure ushers and volunteers know where the extinguishers are located.
      • Dispose of used candles by collecting them in metal buckets or bins. Keep a bowl of water handy to stop any smoldering wicks.
      • Use plastic drip protectors (disc, holder, or shield) to reduce wax on carpets & seats.
    • Outdoor
      • Be aware of water or ice near the service area.
      • Take care that scarves or gloves don’t come near the flames.

Focusing on the safety of your candlelight service as you plan will help you and those who attend to truly enjoy and remember the true meaning of Christmas.